Marjorie rieu manoe konings partner. Thank's SANDY 01 November, 2008 How old is Rieu? 71 years (October 1, 1949) André Rieu/Age. Marjorie rieu manoe konings partner

 Thank's SANDY 01 November, 2008 How old is Rieu? 71 years (October 1, 1949) André Rieu/AgeMarjorie rieu manoe konings partner It’s no wonder that the Wall Street Journal called Andre Rieu the “Maestro for the Masses

. Hear Andre Rieu and two members of his Johann Strauss Orchestra, Frank Steijns and Manoe Konings, talk about the waltz and what it means. In the beginning we were with just twelve people. Reels. 2009 André and Marjorie 2009 With Pierre RieuGetting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. André Rieu. Number One André Rieu Site For English Speaking Fans Around The World! With The Latest News - Photos - English Translation s and More! WELCOME AND ENJOY ! FROM YOUR WEB HOSTS ~ JOHN AND SUZANNE. Getting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. This year The Johann Strauss Orchestra celebrates its 30th birthday (1987-2017). André Rieu's 2022 Maastricht Concert: Happy Days Are Here Again!: Directed by Michael Wiseman. i. This year, the seventeenth edition of the Great Mestreechs Dialect Dictation is written by Marjorie Rieu, wife of the world-famous violinist. Suggested Posts. André Rieu News From Europe ♦ USA ♦ Australia ♦ SA ♦ UK ♦ The World. Marjorie Rieu "Woman in The Mirror". He was a musician with André Rieu's Johann Strauss. Duration:André Rieu saw love thrive. A New André Rieu Fansite is Launched in New Zealand! As many of you know already, there is a "New Fansite" that has been started up for New Zealand now! I have written with Reuben who has started it and I had asked him to send me a picture of himself so I could add it to the left of the Parlor with the other pictures of those of us that. As a little girl she used. Son Pierre, The Manager He is the most important man at his father's side - and he has a very remarkable hobby. But the orchestra members and André read each other," explains Roger. The last paragraph says that it is unclear weather Carla will be able to join her partner Manoe for the festivities surrounding the 40 year anniversary. 364 8 Marjorie Rieu 12. For over 10 years she traveled the world with André Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra. 40 years André Rieu has been married to his wife, Marjorie Rieu, for 40 years (as he told us in an exclusive Valentine’s Day video – link below). The musician married language teacher Marjorie in 1975 and they have gone on to work together, with her writing many compositions over the years. 503-678-5137. 2009 André and Marjorie 2009 With Pierre Rieu2009 André and Marjorie 2009 With Pierre Rieu 2009 Interview With Bela André Stroke of Genius Interview With Bela Kerstin Talks of André André Talks of Kerstin André The Entrepreneur Ineke Ruud Heidelberg Suzan Sings in Norway Steve in Sydney Flikken at André's Castle Liberation Lunch 2009 Interview with AndréMy biography. Many impressions she experiences during the journeys she translates into colorful paintings with quirky abstracts. Facts. TOP TEN ALL TIME VIEWED POSTS. Steijns went on tour with the orchestra. In 2000 she had been invited to study opera at the Maastricht conservatory, where André Rieu discovered her. As the lights go down on a packed arena in Dublin, Rieu appears. Son Pierre Rieu, The Manager. André Rieu News From Europe ♦ USA ♦ Australia ♦ SA ♦ UK ♦ The World. About André Rieu A Dutch violinist, conductor and showman. For Saturday and Sunday the Wynja studio will combine paintings, sculptures and music in an. TOP TEN VIEWED POSTS IN THE PAST THIRTY DAYS. The last paragraph says that it is unclear weather Carla will be able to join her partner Manoe for the festivities. Number One André Rieu Site For English Speaking Fans Around The World! With The Latest News - Photos - English Translation s and More! WELCOME AND ENJOY ! FROM YOUR WEB HOSTS ~ JOHN AND SUZANNE. "This building represent the absolute beginning of everything" says the world star while we are being gawked at by bystanders. 18. Son Pierre Rieu, The Manager. As of 2022, her partner. She holds down the number 7 position. "The stand-alone violinist is being divided. Rieu: "Then came the escape to Maastricht, the war, the hiding time, loss of family, friends and practically all of his belongings. Manoe Konings boyfriend, husband list. Marc Doomen getting married. Getting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. Live. 10. Technicians run back and forth. André Rieu Touches Jermaine Jackson. Mirusia was spending some time at home before starting an Australia/New Zealand tour with the internationally renowned violinist Andre Rieu. TOP TEN VIEWED POSTS IN THE PAST THIRTY DAYS. As a little girl she used. How old was Manoe Konings when she became famous? Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. Getting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. André Rieu News From Europe ♦ USA ♦ Australia ♦ SA ♦ UK ♦ The World. Manoe Konings, (Clarinet,. This show, with the full opulence of a romantic Viennese night, could potentially set new records for the biggest set ever built; the largest logistical operation ever undertaken; and the largest number of. Getting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. She. Marjorie Rieu "Woman in The Mirror". The helpdesk. I think so manoe konings is still alive. 18. André about Natasha's Waltz "When my wife Marjorie was pregnant with our second baby we saw the world famous movie War and Peace. Rieu himself was in fine form, charming the crowd with pantomime gags, flirtatious winks and a heaped plate of orchestral pop hits from the music sheets of Puccini, Ravel and his orchestra's namesake, Johann. Thanks to Benny for this and John's. This video is about Manoe Konings. (André’s quote: "My violinist Frank Steijns is the primary carillon player for the Sint Servaas, and I am extremely proud of that") Thanks to John for Translating This Article For Us. With his Johann Strauss Orchestra , André Rieu (72) normally travels all over the world and he draws full halls everywhere. Where Junior shines the light genre, senior was superior in the serious classical level. Mirusia’s Wedding Waltz emperor must henceforth share his muse Mirusia Rieu provides his "angel" with a bridegroom. . In 2000/2001 Manoe Konings was diagnosed with breast cancer. Carla Maffioletti does not join André Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra any more, but she is still in our hearts. TOP TEN VIEWED POSTS IN THE PAST THIRTY DAYS. TOP TEN ALL TIME VIEWED POSTS. "We were forced to flee there because we were literally "left out in the cold. Wednesday April 16, 2014: André Rieu does not need to be on the fast road to success in Russia yet. The king of the waltz posthumously cracks hard nuts at both his parents, who he said gave him "a loveless upbringing. As a little girl she used. 350 W Schaumburg Rd APT 1529, Schaumburg, IL 60194. While here, she had a small soiree inviting along her former agent Alan Beard of Birkdale, Adam Lopez of Ormiston, Jaimie Wells of Wellington Point, Rachael and Rebecca Jackson of Victoria Point and Ben. My old mon loves Andre Rieu, she is from Brazil and she had the pleasure to join one of his concerts. She is a funny and talented musician. Manoe, Debbie and Matt in 1979. Is eefje van hombergh in Andre rieu's orchestra?Great Uncertainty About André Rieu Concerts on The Vrijthof January 17, 2011 Maastricht dichtbig Newspaper: There was a huge influx of messages on the Internet last week,in particularly the social media networks like Twitter and. Son Pierre Rieu, The Manager. He passed away quietly in the arms of his beloved Hans. Manoe Konings Death - Manoe Konings Cause Of Death: On January 2, 2022, Manoe Konings died abruptly. In the newspaper “The Limburger” an article appeared about the “real” André Rieu”. TOP TEN VIEWED POSTS IN THE PAST THIRTY DAYS. 251, so only 2000 votes from Marjorie. Copy. Orchestra. She is only ten Saturdays a year at home, in Maastricht. Getting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. Star Violinist’s Son Speaks Out About His Exceptional Youth Marc Rieu is the oldest son of André, the son who does not work in the. Live. Star Violinist’s Son Speaks Out About His Exceptional Youth. As a little girl she used. Reels. A few months later – on April 19, 1995. November 24, 2017. 43inches) of rain fell from the sky. Is Manoe Konings of the JSO orchestra married? yes she is. Number One André Rieu Site For English Speaking Fans Around The World! With The Latest News - Photos - English Translation s and More! WELCOME AND ENJOY ! FROM YOUR WEB HOSTS ~ JOHN AND SUZANNE. Examples of in a sentence. With Gary Bennett, Thomas Greuel, Manoe Konings, Anna Majchrzak. Not only did Marjorie inherent this perseverance from him. The last paragraph says that it is unclear weather Carla will be able to join her partner Manoe for the festivities surrounding the 40 year anniversary. André Rieu News From Europe ♦ USA ♦ Australia ♦ SA ♦ UK ♦ The World. André Rieu has been married to his wife, Marjorie Rieu, for 40 years (as he told us in an exclusive Valentine’s Day video – link below). 2009 André and Marjorie 2009 With Pierre RieuAndré Rieu News From Europe ♦ USA ♦ Australia ♦ SA ♦ UK ♦ The World. ” It’s also not surprising that Rieu’s current trek around the globe ranks as one of the top grossing tours in 2011, beating out the likes of country sensation Taylor Swift and pop icon Elton John. Marjorie Rieu "Woman in The Mirror". "Luckily we now receive more respect and appreciation. We hope that this series can continue!" No, he can't make it any more beautiful than it already is. Number One André Rieu Site For English Speaking Fans Around The World! With The Latest News - Photos - English Translation s and More! WELCOME AND ENJOY ! FROM YOUR WEB HOSTS ~ JOHN AND SUZANNE. Marjorie Rieu "Woman in The Mirror" An André Rieu Fansite For English Speaking Fans Around The World!. Yes. Number One André Rieu Site For English Speaking Fans Around The World! With The Latest News - Photos - English Translation s and More! WELCOME AND ENJOY ! FROM YOUR WEB HOSTS ~ JOHN AND SUZANNE. “We were somewhat awkwardly around each while other orchestra members probably saw our infatuation a kilometer away,” says Frank. With Johann Strauss Orchestra since: 1989-Role in orchestra: plays clarinet, saxophone, bagpipes, guitar (and is a comedian) She jokes all the time, including during this interview. As a little girl she used. André Rieu discovered her while studying at. This is confirmed by his younger brother Jean-Philippe. Getting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. He is a painter. 2017. I want to add one more to that: improvisational skills. On the eve of a concert tour and the release of his new album "Love in Venice" André Rieu is celebrating his 65th anniversary. Getting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. How old is Carmen monarcha from Andre rieu orchestra? 34. He was a musician with André Rieu's Johann Strauss Orchestra. March 31, 2022 ·. Marc Rieu is the oldest son of André, the son who does not work in the company. Son Pierre Rieu, The Manager. , Leader of the Limburg Symphony Orchestra, and his wife had three sons and three daughters whom they ruled with an iron hand. April 24, 2020. "We have booked ten days. Andre Rieu Ehefrau Bild. Find the perfect manoe konings stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. Up until now the VVV Maastricht managed hotel arrangements for theVrijthof concerts. See full list on wise-answer. 01 February, 2021. For official information go to Andre'sBy Timo Schmid, March 30, 2022. Telegraaf, 21 August 2021. She did watch my concerts on television, she said. The other prizes you might win by buying concert tickets are: 9 Rieu hotel arrangements at a value of 200 Euros, 30 travelerscheques of 100 Euros each to be used only with the companies indicated, 50 Gold memberships and the André Rieu Magazine until the. As a little girl. Marjorie Rieu Manoe Konings From enrique-barnard. Yes. " ANDRÉ RIEU SR. André Rieu What His Wife Reveals About Their Marriage She loves the sound of Waltzes and would dance to the music the. As Seen On Public Television! A Limited Edition CD recording of the Live in Vienna concert PLUS Bonus 7-Track DVD featuring video clips from such favorite Andre Rieu concerts as Live In Vienna, Tuscany, Radio City Music Hall and a special teaser of the forthcoming André Rieu at Schönbrunn. ANDRÉ RIEU (71) emotionally opens the book about his troubled youth. André Léon Marie Nicolas Rieu. We tried, but she did not travel any more. With that, he pays the salaries of his orchestra members and "some fixed costs", Rieu told the RTL 4 talk show Humberto on Tuesday. Another Rieu brother who plays not just with his hands, but with his heart. From 2002 to 2014 she was the Star Soloist of the world famous violinist André Rieu and his JSO Orchestra performing worldwide Concert Tours , recording over twenty Cds and DVDs which are often broadcasted by major TV channels in many countries. 2018. TOP TEN VIEWED POSTS IN THE PAST THIRTY DAYS. 664 And on the German contest we still have a clean sweep, but please keep voting so we will keep it that way. I started thinking about the Sunday night concert. wh. Ariana Grande Facts. Following in the footsteps of Johann Strauss himself, he encourages his audiences to get. . (Photo by Atilano Garcia/SOPA Images/Sipa USA) Credit: Sipa USA/Alamy Live News. even though it rained the first half, Sunday night was SPECIAL! ~ Watching the first half of the concert from my room with Laurie and Sonja ~ André starting to conduct the orchestra with his bow and then stopping, shaking his bow and head no, turning around and basically telling 10,000 people to shut. Getting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. After the tour, Schoots resumed her work as a singer in the Randstad. Bi. Best Answer. André says: "I dream and he makes it possible. As a little girl she used. She is also a very courageous young woman. " Marc is a painter and he joined the group with his paintings in shipping containers. Son Pierre Rieu, The Manager. This answer is:André Rieu & Manoe Konings - Highland Cathedral. Marjorie I Koenig. Marjorie Rieu "Woman in The Mirror". As a little girl she used. New Years Eve Punsch aka Silvester Punsch. View all public records: phone numbers, addresses, age, contact details, bio and related persons for Marjorie Koenig. Not Begijnenstraat 1, as the Tourist Office thought for years, but Plenkershoven 11 is the real birthplace of violinist André Rieu. TOP TEN ALL TIME VIEWED POSTS. Getting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. March 31, 2022 ·. | By. Elizabeth Drury. Share. . Duration: 4:07André Rieu Press Info from his website. Andre has been married to his wife for over 35 years. Copy. 2009 André and Marjorie 2009 With Pierre RieuThe Limburger. TOP TEN VIEWED POSTS IN THE PAST THIRTY DAYS. 7 Manoe Konings 18. This video is about Manoe Konings. As a little girl she used. Explore. Highland Cathedral (Live) André Rieu, Johann Strauss Orchestra, & Manoe Konings. 2009 André and. Celebrate this special anniversary with André and the JSO to watch the live streaming of the Maastricht 2017 concert in the cinemas. a great sense of humor. Maastricht: Rieu hires Wesly for the "Protection of His Image" in connection with the sale of arrangements. Donij van Doorn (35) travels the world as a soprano-soloist in André Rieu's orchestra. Wonderful Sue thank you for posting this and Sonja for creating a Marc Rieu page. Adelaide Now: In September, André was struck down with a debilitating infection of the vestibular nerve, which affected his balance. Getting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. And André Rieu can be proud to have such a musician as Manoe in the JSO. As a little girl she used. He passed away in 1992. Marjorie Rieu is currently traveling with her husband on tour. Mirusia Louwerse (1) Mirusia Louwerse (2) Mirusia Louwerse (3) Mirusia Louwerse (4) Mirusia Louwerse (5)Getting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. Manoe Konings of the Johann Strauss-Andre Rieu Orchestra, performs during the Tour 2023 concert at the wizcenter in Madrid. Never has been in the JSO either. Together with mother Marjorie and André, he forms a trinity which is the cork under the family business. Fans from all corners of the earth flocked to the city to participate in the 30 year Musical Anniversary of the maestro. 2009 André and Marjorie 2009 With Pierre Rieu"Azure, Fantasies of a journey of the Heart" is the title of this multimedia music theater play by Jean-Philippe Rieu, which will premier on Tuesday, 23 September in the "Limburghall of the Theater Heerlen". Marc did the skit with the anvil, before Noel joined the JSO. If the preparations went okay, she stays at home in the castle. They are three of the orchestra girls (l-r) - Lin Jong, violin, Manoe Konings, clarinet and Stephanie Detry - piano. TOP TEN ALL TIME VIEWED POSTS. Manoe, Debbie and Matt in 1979. Always On An Adventure With André. What does Andre Rieu’s wife do? The musician married language teacher Marjorie in 1975 and they have gone on to work together, with her writing many compositions over the years. Sanne Mestrom, saxophonist with the Johann Strauss Orchestra,. ÄN-drā ree-OO. Getting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. What does manoe konings father play with Andre rieu orchestra? eh, nothing? Guy is way too old to be in the JSO. Enjoy the VideoManoe Konings plays clarinet, saxophone and guitar, but also bagpipe. Weekend: July 3, 2012: His new life: more rest, healthier food and working out. For over 10 years she traveled the world with André Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra. We learnt with a sad heart and deep grief that the trend concerning Manoe Koning's death is still continuing on throughout all social media platforms. 126 photos Anna Reker (Choir) 24 photos Anne-Lise Parotte (Violin) 12 photos. See more ideas about andre, andre rieu, johann strauss orchestra. Investment: André Rieu determines to within the smallest detail how. Son Pierre Rieu, The Manager. The king of the waltz posthumously cracks hard nuts at both his parents, who he said gave him "a loveless upbringing. 320 5. How long has Manoe Konings been married to Carla? Yes, she’s been married to Manoe Konings for. André Rieu was able to build two identical castles, but possession of those was a huge financial drain. Marjorie Rieu (Maastricht, 1947) together with André, leads the Rieu Productions Company and recently wrote the book "Dreams come True". She is also a very courageous. Rieu has a total of 12 DVD titles in the. Marjorie Rieu "Woman in The Mirror". Manoe Konings claim to fame: Andre Rieu - Johann Strauss Orchestra. Getting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. ℗ 2017 André Rieu Productions Holding B. Marjorie Rieu "Woman in The Mirror". Trending Questions . André Rieu. Nov 21, 2016 - Paintings of Marc Rieu. 14th Mar, 2023. 1975 André Rieu/Ehepartner Marjorie Rieu, his wife of almost 45 years, is his long-time business partner. Home. 2009 André and Marjorie 2009 With Pierre RieuHE impressed thousands with his nimble fingers last week, but on Sunday night it was Andre Rieu's turn to sit in the audience. 260. Amore. . The 70 year old Rieu is very successful: during his career he has already earned over 493 million Euros. Orchestra leader André Rieu has retained businessman Benoit Wesly to curb the 'abuse' of the use of image rights and arrangements. About André Rieu A Dutch violinist, conductor and showman. Marjorie Rieu "Woman in The Mirror". André Rieu. She is also a very courageous young woman. André Rieu et André Van Duin, deux compères que j'aime beaucoup, ils ont tellement de talent chacun dans sa partie. Getting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. An André Rieu Fansite For English Speaking Fans Around The World! J. Only Pink shares a place in the Top 10 with the maestro. And André Rieu can be proud to have such a musician as Manoe in the JSO. W hatever your opinion of the Dutch superstar violinist André Rieu, there’s no denying that he knows how to make an entrance. Franks Steins was born on Christmas evening 1970 in the Belgian town of Bilzen. Getting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. She was nowhere is site just a month ago. "We were meant for each other" he says lovingly. " Because the original name of the song was not comfortable to the ear, Rieu's wife comes up with the title of The Second Waltz. The last paragraph says that it is unclear weather Carla will be able to join her partner Manoe for the festivities surrounding the 40 year anniversary. This is confirmed by his younger brother Jean-Philippe. As a little girl she used. eu. This video is about Manoe Konings. She shuns the spotlights and seldom speaks in public. Leon, Franco, Noelle, Lin, Judith. Waffle stand on the Vrijthof "Because I travel a lot – in normal times – I like to cook when I'm at home; I cook for Marjorie, myself, the children and friends. We'll talk about his expensive hobby, religion, family, why Marjorie was not immediately welcome . André Rieu delivered a special surprise message to the 86-year-old. "He only spoke about funny things. A ndre Rieu and his five siblings were surrounded by classical music throughout their childhood in Maastricht, Holland. Martha 24 November, 2009André Rieu News From Europe ♦ USA ♦ Australia ♦ SA ♦ UK ♦ The World. Manoe Konings Andre Rieu, Johann Strauss Orchestra, JSO, information, biography, news, background and history. My life is simply music, music is what we are always doing, and it never. Crowned the “King of Waltz” by the media, Rieu believes that everyone can enjoy classical music. Manoe Konings plays clarinet, saxophone and guitar, but also bagpipe. She is a funny and talented musician. André Graveline Highland Cathedral (Live) André Rieu, Johann Strauss Orchestra, & Manoe Konings. . According to André Rieu, the corona virus is too erratic and the vaccination campaign is far too slow. A Dance of Joy After The News. The Limburger October 3, 2012 - Opera singer Carla Maffioletti was born in the Brazilian metropolitan city of Porto Alegre. 794 9 Pierre Rieu 16. 4K subscribers. Who are Manoe Konings and Carla Maffioletti a couple?. He died later that day. Pierre Rieu interviews Manoe Konings about all the fun in the Johann Strauss Orchestra. She was the. The 60-year-old is one of few acts in the world that can sell out a stadium with elaborate, large-scale concert productions that are big enough to rival. All the other Saturdays, Manoe Konings tours the world with André Rieu. "This building represent the absolute beginning of everything" says the world star while we are being gawked at by bystanders. In the beginning of April, Rieu put out a call to amateur musicians from Limburg to apply, which was possible through the House of the Arts in Roermond. The best place for inspiration, connection, and sharing! Unforgettable was her performance as Empress Sisi. . As a little girl she used. As a little girl she used to tell her mother about the three things in life. Click Here To Read Belgium InterviewGetting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings Manoe Konings was reading music before she knew her A B C’s. How do you spell André Rieu? Phonetic spelling of André Rieu. For many it remains a dream, but for Sanne Mestrom that dream became a reality. February 1, 2022 De Limburger, by Merel Visscher. Pierre Rieu interviews Manoe Konings about all the fun in the Johann Strauss Orchestra. It is about Manoe Konings as she plays the song Highland Cathedral with the bagpipes. After the show, Rieu ducked backstage and met cast members, many of whom whipped out their digital cameras and. Trending Questions . André Rieu: 'Four people wanted to save my Stradivarius!'. Number One André Rieu Site For English Speaking Fans Around The World! With The Latest News - Photos - English Translation s and More! WELCOME AND ENJOY ! FROM YOUR WEB HOSTS ~ JOHN AND SUZANNE. W hatever your opinion of the Dutch superstar violinist André Rieu, there’s no denying that he knows how to make an entrance. André Rieu. André Rieu's dozens of Johann Strauss orchestra members are completely healed. André Rieu's Wife On Their Marriage. As luck would have it, fate sent André Rieu his big love, Marjorie. . 7 Manoe Konings 13. 794 9 Pierre Rieu 16. “I am very happy that there will be a vaccine soon, fantastic! That's what the whole world is waiting for. Son Pierre Rieu, The Manager. Statements We Can UseManoe Konings “I have no work outside the orchestra, I am at home and I keep to the virus guidelines as much as possible. Who is manoe konings husband? nobody is. "Luckily we now receive more respect and appreciation. 463 2 Carmen Monarcha 17. I wish you a. Marjorie Rieu "Woman in The Mirror". 2009 André and. Is André Rieu married? Marjorie Rieum. And he gushes about the Johann Strauss Orchestra, which he founded in 1987, as his second family. 18 Songs, 1 Hour, 20 Minutes. "Finally AOW (old age pension), finally out of the financial worries. Carla feels touched by the sound of the. 2009 André and Marjorie 2009 With Pierre RieuAmong them, a handful of fervent Rieu groupies, including one woman wearing a t-shirt inviting her idol to "Come fiddle with moi". What is the name of the cheeky clarinetist in Andre Rieus orchestra? Manoe Konings, married to the cheeky singing doll. 2009 André and Marjorie 2009 With Pierre RieuGetting Acquainted With Clarinetist Manoe Konings. She lives together with her Swiss partner Fabian Egli in Nieuwegein, in the Province of Utrecht, in the Netherlands. Manoe Konings was born In Maastricht on March 10, 1961. Manoe Konings, Clarinet Arthur Cordewener, Oboe Ruud Merx, T rombone and Lin Jong, Violin. Privé Magazine by Yvonne Hoebe: André Rieu’s star soprano Mirusia Louwerse and his security guard Youri Wystyrk did not dare to speak to each other during one of Rieu’s world tour for at least six months.